How to Spend Less Screen Time on Your Phone

How many hours do you spend on your phone every day? If you are like most people in this modern world, you probably rely on your mobile gadget for almost every aspect of your life. You use your phone to communicate through calls and texts, use apps for work and personal schedules, listen to music or watch movies on it, and even play fun games in your downtime. All this screen time, however, can lead to some unpleasant consequences. Learn how to spend less time on your phone and more time engaged with other activities and people.

How Much Time Is Too Much Time?

When it comes to phone use and screen time associated with mobile gadgets, most people probably assume they spend less time than they actually do. According to a 2021 study, the average older teen or adult spends 5 to 6 hours on their phone every day. This does not include any work-related activities required by their employer. Teens can spend up to seven hours, and kids over the age of eight spend approximately four hours.

From this statistic alone, it seems that people spend the bulk of their free time staring at these tiny screens. Learn how to minimize screen time on your smartphone and maximize your interest in other activities.

Minimize Phone Screen Time With These Tips

Present Alternatives – Figure out what you spend most of your time on with your phone and then find an alternative that gives you the same benefits. For example, if you spend hours on social media, consider getting in touch with friends with a phone call or audio chat instead. If you use your phone for watching videos and other entertainment, try reading a book or getting involved with a hobby.

Give Yourself Time Limits – As an adult, set aside certain times for screen time. Put the phone away in a drawer or somewhere else inaccessible outside of that schedule. As a parent, limit the amount of time your child actually has their phone or tablet in their possession. Up to a certain point, you can use the phone as an incentive for other positive activities like homework completion or chores.

Create Goals and Rewards – Anyone old enough to understand the negative effects of excessive screen time can get on board with improvements. First, collect information about how much phone time you or your child has each day. Come up with a workable plan to minimize it by reducing the amount of time gradually over the next week or two. Reward them or yourself for a job well done.

No one can give up their phone completely these days, but learning how to minimize screen time will help your life in numerous ways. When you follow the tips outlined above, you can slowly break your addiction or reliance on your mobile gadgets.